Thursday, February 10, 2011

January recap

So some of my sisters scrapbook. I have yet to jump on that bandwagon. That would just be more craft stuff to buy and another hobby to try to fit in my spare time. I have enough with my fascination with jewelry, sewing, and other crafts (thank you Jenni). I like all the cute little doo-dads for scrapbooking I decided, so it's best I just stick with what I have for the time being (it's safer if I just stay out of Micheal's but that's not an option really). But I do like the idea of an look at the month and Picassa offers a nice collage setting. January got two pages, one for overall and one for illnesses.

As for our illnesses, we are all healthy right now. Everybody knock on wood for that one! We are back in our routine of sorts once again. It's good to be back to regular chaos. For a week or two there I started each day with the thought of "really, well why not spike a fever/have a croupy cough/break out in a rash" because it really did seem like something new every day. Now it is once again, chaos as normal. And I mean that in the best of senses.
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

oh, I'll get you scrapbooking sooner or later. Just wait until you see how easy digital is!