Friday, January 20, 2012

Snow Day

We finally got snow! And it was good playing and packing snow, so we went out and played, all of us! So for a quick run down of our outside adventure. Hannah and I built snowmen, 6 of them. Our whole family is represented out there. From left to right you have Sam, Dad, Mom (Hannah even found hair to put on the head of my snowman), Hannah (there is a ponytail of hair under the hat), Michelle and Ben. Later I told Justin it was his turn to go build with the kids because Sam wanted to do a snow fort. They started by using milk jugs, that was working as you can see in one of the pictures but they discovered that just rolling a big snowball worked faster and was quite effective. Ben loves to "sample" the snow. And you can see Sam's ninja skills in chopping the snowball in the air so it can't hit him. Enjoy!

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K and M said...

Looks so fun! And looks as if you used up pretty much all the available snow in your yard! Love the snowman family!

Megan said...

looks like fun!

Holly said...

That must have been a lot of work! 6!