Sunday, January 1, 2012

Holidays 2011

Good morning all - I decided to do a quick review of the holidays for the family and friends who were not around with us this time.
First, we discovered that despite major complaining, Sam, Hannah, and Michelle have a lot of fun when playing in the sand dune at Snow Canyon.

AJ and Ben also had fun, but ultimately AJ had to pick up Ben to keep him from eating the interesting bits of sand that he found. Needless to say we found some sand in his diaper later on.

Jared was there as well and he took this picture of myself and Sam jumping off the top of the dune

Finally, we climbed to the top of one of the sand turtles and got he three kids together for a shot. It was a beautiful day and a really happy holiday spent in Southern Utah. We also had a bunch of fun in the north during New Years - more on that later.
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1 comment:

Megan said...

Awesome pictures! The colors are so vivid!