Friday, January 21, 2011

Darn RSV

This is how are week is going. Ben and I are enjoying (mostly) some quality time together while he gets over RSV. He got to ride in an ambulance to the hospital from the urgent care clinic and has been on oxygen since then.

But isn't this oxygen stuff great! Yesterday he managed to have enough energy to play and smile and kick. Just makes a mommy happy to see some personality again.

He's doing good and we are enjoying time to just sit and snuggle. And someone else gets to try to keep the house clean, I wish them luck. :)
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Megan said...

oh, no, I'm so sorry! I hope he gets better soon!

Unknown said...

Sorry to hear this, I hate it when my little ones get sick.

and I am making you some of those roses for your birthday, any suggestions for colors? Or I can just teach you when you come out.