Saturday, September 25, 2010

One Month

Here's a couple of pictures from the last month. To start with we have the painting project. Justin asked me for a "honey-do" list of things to do while he was home on paternity leave. I gave him ideas like clean the house, a good cleaning, the kids want a rope swing, a sandbox, weeding, etc. The kinds of things I haven't been able to do all summer. So he decides to paint the house. The entire upstairs except the bedrooms is painted. I don't know how well the colors show but the lighter wall is a yellow with the kitchen being our accent of a brick red. I took this picture because it should an area that was really clean at the time. It looks really nice and I am impressed he managed to get it down. It did get done thanks to my mother-in-law, who helped us get good colors and helped Justin get started and our home teachers who helped him finish.

Benjamin is starting to get a "social smile" as the doctor calls it. I managed to get this picture the other day. Isn't he so cute? He's one month old but pretty much grown out of things that are 0-3 months size. He can wear some of them still but some are being put away already (not that I had many to start with).

We drove up the canyon last weekend and I missed being in the mountains. I didn't do any hiking or camping all summer (we did go to NM but we didn't camp or hike really, well I didn't). So we contemplated going camping this past weekend and decided instead to camp in our backyard. We had a short fire, which was perfect. Just enough to roast a couple of marshmallows and enjoy being around a fire and easy to put out. And then the kids and Dad slept in the tent outside. I decided not to since I knew I would just worry all night about whether Benjamin was cold, were the kids covered up, etc. They all loved it of course.
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Jordan, Tabby, Lily and Baby Lucy said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who worries constantly about if my baby is warm enough. I wish I could have seen Benji (cannon ball as Jordan calls him). He is so stinkin' cute!

Unknown said...

I love the color of your wall - great job on it. We too contemplated camping, but then ruled it out for the same reason. Maybe we are wimps because we did not even do the backyard!