Thursday, August 7, 2008

Sam's New Skills

Yes, the long awaited day, in Sam's mind anyway, has come. With Dad home for a bit we were finally ready to take the training wheels off of his bike. I have watched him ride with the neighbors for the last couple of weeks and he can ride down the entire street without his training wheels touching so we knew he was ready. He was very excited as this makes his bike like all the bikes the big kids have. He watched Dad intently (probably a little too much if he has access to these tools in the future).
He was a little bit nervous at first and so they started down at the base of the driveway. Dad started by holding the back of his bike. . .

. . . gave a little push. . .

. . . and that was the end of the lesson. He was off and cruising. He loves it!! Now he just wants all the big kids to come out and ride with him.
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1 comment:

Krystal said...

wow!! that's some mad skill!! you should have heard bekah complaining while jenni was trying to teach her. She's finally got it down (and they bought her a new bike!)

there's no stopping him now!!