Saturday, November 7, 2009


Here are the much requested pictures from our halloween costumes.

To start with we have Sam the Volcano Blaster! This was a much discussed and negotiated costume. I think it turned out fairly well. He seemed to enjoy it. He liked that he could duck down inside it and explode out.

Hannah the Flower Princess. She loved the tutu and the hat, she calls it her crown. It's an awfully big tutu, note to self, not quite so many yards of tulle next time.

Michelle didn't get an original costume. This was worn by Hannah in past years but I only had so much time for costumes. She liked that she had a tutu. The first time she wore it she stood there and danced a little bit.

There you have it! Enjoy!
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1 comment:

Megan said...

I love all three costumes, they are adorable!