Monday, October 26, 2009

Sayings from the family

There are no pictures to accompany these statements but here are things that have been heard around the house:

"No dancing on the table." This is for Michelle and her skills of climbing. For a little bit I was able to stop her by moving all the chairs away from the table. Now she knows how to move them to where she wants, counters with keys and laptops and phones. And of course tables are the next step after the chair.

"Are you an omnivore?" I was actually asked this question the other day by Sam after I won the race of running down the stairs. Apparently we are learning quite the range of stuff from PBS kids. And just a refresher (because I had to go over to know for sure), an ominvore is someone who eats all kinds of things. Oh the things I relearn from my kids.

"Where does it hurt?" This is what I ask from any crying child. It usually is minor and even if they think it is traumatic a kiss is all it takes and they are back to whatever it was they were doing. Wrestling, raising and running into each other, climbing on top of each other. This is how they are hurt, what are they not understanding here?

And the most often heard: "What can I DO?" Although why they still ask is beyond me. They never like my answer but still keep asking.

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