Monday, October 13, 2008

Salsa Explosion

One of the latest disasters at our house involved an explosion of salsa. Here's what happened (with the pictures to prove the disaster). Sam was kicking a ball around the house. I told him he needed to stop. "Why?" he asks. "Because I don't want you to break something." "But I'm not breaking anything." So he proceeds to kick the ball from the living room into the kitchen. The ball (just an inflatable cheap one) went into the kitchen, knocked a brand new container of salsa from Costco off the counter and onto the floor. Now the amazing part is how far and wide spread the salsa was while no more than a cup was missing from the jar of salsa. I know it looks like someone died but I was pretty impressed with my reaction. Yes I yelled at him but it wasn't too much or even too loud. Small miracles because two hours later I was still cleaning salsa from the kitchen (and the next morning was another 2-3 hours of cleaning).

I immediately had Sam help clean it up. He mopped the floor and cleaned the fridge and the pantry. This stuff went everywhere. It was on the ceiling, the living room carpet got a few drops, the wall above the cupboards, the pantry doors, it was impressive. I had to take pictures just to prove how big a mess it was. The kitchen was in need of cleaning anyway, but I hadn't planned on a huge cleaning. We spent that afternoon and the next morning cleaning the kitchen. The floor got mopped, the cupboards cleaned and some polish on them, counter tops cleaned, dishes done, walls cleaned, and ceiling wiped (pretty much only where there was salsa).

Here are the after shots of my nice clean kitchen. I had high hopes of keeping it this clean for awhile, but a couple of days later I decided I am fine with mostly clean. Just keeping up with the dishes and keeping the floor swept and the counters clean is a big enough job. I am definitely not the cleaning guru some of my friends are. :)

I guess having an explosion of that proportion every four years is a good thing for my kitchen. I think Sam has learned why the balls stay downstairs or outside. I hope, in the meantime, I will try to keep the counters clean. And we are trying to use a whole lot of salsa since we now have two containers open essentially. Good thing my kids like chips and salsa!
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Krystal said...

we had a soda explosion a few weeks ago. wow, it was MESSY, and EVERYWHERE. We're still finding spots on the floor, or the table, or the walls, ceilings, highchair, fridge. I can sympathize with you here!! :)

Kriss & Jenni said...

Luckly no explisions at my house although I seem to have plenty of food all over the coutners and floor from all the kids. Your kitchen looks great clean!!!