We have a new project this spring, or so the kids would have you think. It looks like we are planning on doing something with the back part of our yard where we haven't done anything with yet. Well, that's not entirely true. We did put down carpet last summer and covered part of it with bark. The carpet is ground cover and it works really well for our backyard. Now it looks like we are working on something. And the answer is . . .

A fabulous hole. It's getting deep. According to Sam, they have reached the ocean level and are getting close to the lava level. (I wish I could remember the exact words he used, he knows his terms.)
A fabulous hole. It's getting deep. According to Sam, they have reached the ocean level and are getting close to the lava level. (I wish I could remember the exact words he used, he knows his terms.)
So what are we going to do with a hole that is 12-18" deep? The kids think they are going to sleep in it this summer when we camp outside. I love it, I am almost willing to let them try. This hole was originally started as part of worm farm. Sam was looking for worms to collect so that we could put them in the garden. Now it has grown (and I think they are already through the layer likely to have worms in yard, Sam did say today they had reached clay--really, you think so?). In the meantime we did think about showing them other places that they could dig and then planting trees in their holes. So this is how they spent two hours of the day today, not only on the hole but playing outside. I can't complain with that.